Get Ready for the First Day of Camp


Have you had "the talk" with your kids?

Are they ready for their first day of camp? More importantly, are you ready to let them go?

Excitement, nerves, packed trunks—it’s all completely normal. As my dad used to say, “It’s good to have butterflies! You just want to get them to fly in formation.”

Remember, sending your kids to camp is about fostering independence, giving them fresh air, unplugging from screens, and keeping them engaged during the summer. But if this is their first time away from home, it’s natural for everyone to feel a little anxious.

So, here are some helpful tips for both you and your child to make that first day a smooth one.

For Parents: Preparing for the Big Day

Pack your child’s travel bag the night before. This avoids last-minute scrambling.
Start the day with a family breakfast. A little normalcy can ease the nerves.
Let them say goodbye to their room. It helps them feel in control and comforted.
Head to the airport or bus station with plenty of time to spare.

Once at the departure point:

  • If traveling by plane, stay at the airport until the flight takes off. Delays and mechanical issues can happen, and you’ll want to be there just in case.

  • If traveling by bus, wave goodbye, take a deep breath, and trust that they’re in good hands.


Now, they’re on their way! You’ve done your part—time to let the adventure begin.

For Kids: What to Expect on Day One


🔹 Have questions? Ask a counselor! They’re there to help.
🔹 Expect lots of singing and activity on the bus. Watch, listen, and join in if you feel comfortable.
🔹 Once you arrive at camp, you’ll be greeted by counselors and the camp director. They’ll guide you to your cabin and introduce you to your new summer family.
🔹 Find your bed, meet your cabin mates, and start settling in. This is your home away from home!
🔹 Meals will be a great time to connect. If you don’t like what’s served, don’t be afraid to ask for an alternative. If you have allergies, always speak up!
🔹 First night jitters are normal. You might feel excited, exhausted, a little lonely, or even nervous. It’s okay! Your camp family is there to support you.

Before you know it, camp will become a second home, filled with new friendships, adventures, and memories you’ll cherish forever. And believe it or not, when it’s time to come back, you’ll miss your camp friends so much!

A new day, a new beginning—let the fun begin!

P.S. Don’t forget to write! We can’t wait to hear all about your amazing summer.  We love you. ❤️

Posted: 6/15/2024 11:43:58 AM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments