Teen Programs and Options

I will be spending the next couple of days meeting, greeting and learning about new and exciting programs for teens.  I have spoken with so many parents who all agree — we wish we could attend these programs today!!  They are amazing.  But beyond amazing, these programs are designed to help teens learn about our global world, the good, the bad and most importantly… the different.

Even within the United States, there are “different” types of people, environments, opportunities, needs and more.  When my youngest son left his cozy and beloved camp after 7 years of being there, he was sure he would never have an experience quite like camp.  Knowing what I knew about available opportunities, I was not going to permit him to stay one more year at a place that was terrific, but “same old”.  It was time to push him out of his summer “nest” and expose him to so much more….

Travel was his choice… and he got to see a good portion of the United States… places that I have never visited.  He would call from yet the next great place and say, “Mom, you will just love this place.  You have to go here!”  Needless to say, the push out of the nest was absolutely successful and to this day (now almost 10 years later), he is a willing and eager traveler.  The fire was lit, the passion was created and he became multidimensional as a teen.

But alas, there are so many ways to open the eyes of our somewhat entitled, somewhat shy, somewhat confident or non-confident teenagers.  So next week, I will be learning about specific programs in the following categories:

1. TEEN TRAVEL/TEEN TOUR - when you think of teen programming, this is always the natural next step right after completing traditional summer camp. Typically, teens will travel with other teens within 1-2 years of their age group. They will travel somewhere around the globe from US to every single continent. Most often, they will hit several locations, travel by bus or rail, pack/unpack and see the hotspots in those areas. Tons of fun for the very social!
2.  PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS – where teens experience life and independence on college campuses in the US and abroad while getting college or high school credits, enrichment classes, SAT prep classes and more.  Learn the difference between big and small campuses, practice dorm life and self-directed time management.
3.  COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS – where teens can experience all types of community service opportunities that can be started during the school year and implemented during the summer months in the US and abroad.
4. OUTDOOR ADVENTURE - for the adventurous teen, this can be around the globe focusing on one or many of the disciplines from hiking, biking, climbing, rafting, scuba, sailing, back or front country camping and more.
5.  LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL IMMERSION PROGRAMS – where teens receive worldwide opportunities in every possible language and culture.  In this global economy, it is amazing to understand life as it exists elsewhere.
6.  SPECIALTY PROGRAMS –  where teens can pursue their passion in for example, film/photography, sports, writing, international relations, debate, robotics and engineering, marketing and management, medicine, public policy, performing arts and anything else they can dream of.
7.  COLLEGE TOURS –  where teens can visit colleges of interest while still enjoying time with peers.
8.  INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS – where teens can experience working with companies in fields of interest while still enjoying the social interaction of peers. This category has become very limited since Covid, but we are hoping for it to come back in the future.

So…. if you have an interest in a specific type of program, let me know….  New programs and old programs are so fantastic.  And I’ll make sure to get up-to-the-minute information for all.  Like my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/campexperts.  I will update you on new ideas and most importantly, availability and discounts!!  Press here to like my page!

Posted: 6/17/2024 4:00:00 PM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments